There is an excellent comparison which fits the idea of link exchanges and the quality of SEO texts. Each chain is only as strong as its weakest link. For this reason anyone wishing to create a certain image should search for others with a similar image. In such cases a link exchange is meaningful. As a site has been found by someone from the desired target group, the latter must be retained. Care should be taken to ensure he remains on site. Link exchanges at eye level; that is the motto of the search engines of tomorrow. In other words, whoever wants to be successful on the Internet should leave link exchanges to the professionals. Of course anyone using a modicum of logic can do this on his own. It is not difficult but it requires both time and knowledge.
Are link exchanges useful?
Why is the link exchange really useful? The answer is simple as a page to which there are many links must have interesting content. But this is only true to a degree. Today the pages are tested for their quality and if the page meets the requirements set only then does it appear on the SERP. There is no sense in acquiring a large quantity of links and to put these on the website. The search engines are out of their infancy and it is much more important that they want to and have to earn money. That is why they must be interesting for the Internet user. If a link is placed in a meaningless text the reader has no interest in reading such texts. It was much worse earlier when sites contained only links. As a result many users simple lost the enjoyment of surfing the web. This situation has changed and amo-office-service has a role in this. Writing good, meaningful texts is the challenge our team faces. Information content must be high.
A new SERP is ready to be launched
To date queries were always free of charge but with the new SERP everything will change. As clients now have to pay for their advertising they must be offered more for their money. This means in turn that the advertising will have improved visualization. The images will also be enlarged. SERP is an issue of search engine rankings and that is why the queries will be used to blend in the advertising. Search results which Google was not paid for will then simply slip deeper and will become less interesting for the user of search engines. This it is why it is important in the area of SEO to make optimal use of search engine optimisation. Of course this also requires the proper high-quality texts. Google’s plans will be introduced in the USA in the autumn. It is only a question of time until this appears in the German version of Google. This is why everyone who wants a top ranking for their website should concern themselves with SEO texts as early as possible.
Something new will always appear
It is known all too well that the world is in a constant state of flux. The best proof of this is the Google search engine. Google released the information that the free page, Google Product Search, will soon become a subscription service. As a result advertising clients will no longer have to pay for the click. The abbreviation CPC stands for cost per click and CPA signifies cost per action. A very well-known and popular site for pupils and students today asks for a click cost well over 10 cents. As advertising on the site is extremely targeted many companies are interested in advertising there. The Google shopping portal also provides targeted advertising to specific groups.
Unique content is not a meaningless phrase
Today marketing products and services has become quite simple. One could easily believe that but it is not so simple. It is true that a lot of people who wish to distribute their products and services over the Internet would like to see it that way but it is not the case. Search engines have become extremely demanding. Texts are tested on the Internet to see if they have duplicate content. Should the text be unique the page with the unique content is shown on the search results of the search engines. If it turns out to be a copy of another text, it is not displayed. Please do not misunderstand this. If it identifies only a few similar passages the pages are excluded by the search engine. For this reason each text should have unique content. As the flood of information on the Internet is set to increase exponentially in the coming years, it will become increasingly difficult to avoid duplicating content. But such content is tolerated to a certain degree. However, this should be avoided for purely legal reasons as intellectual property rights exist in such cases.
How do we differ from the others?
It would be a mistake to copy other companies in the business. There is an old saying that it is not a mistake to copy good practice. But it is better to pursue your own new path. In the short time that the company has been active we have gathered a wealth of experience. This has been input into our KVP system and is our guarantee for quality work which clients of our company appreciate so much. The SEO texts are not only drafted but also go through a second screening process to ensure that the client receives really high-quality texts. But that is only part of our success as many members of the team come from a variety of professional backgrounds. For example, texts relating to finance are written by team members who really know the area. Here current issues are coupled with our specialist knowledge in a goal-oriented manner. It is no coincidence that the motto of amo-office-service is “Words are our world“.
Quality prevails
It was an idea which prevailed and a short time ago the team at amo-office-service concluded its first year on the market. It was a short and a tough year. Those are the words of the team members who were on board form the outset. The company’s figures speak for themselves. The fact that these figures have been identified is itself unusual in the trade. But as some team members have worked previously in certified companies the figures were used to measure our success as is the case with DIN ISO 9001 and TS 16949. As we have clear structures within the company certification as such would not be a problem, all the more so on account of the fact that our team also comprises an auditor. The working processes are clearly structured but this should not mean that they remain static. At the end of the day a company the size of amo-office-service must adapt quickly and flexibly to client needs.
Bridges are needed
Building a bridge in SEO texts means linking the keywords to their location of the words in the sentence. This is far from simple. For many keywords there are no solutions to be found. But a good texter takes the trouble and this will be noticed by the reader. The search engine should play a subordinate role to the individiual. We at amo-office-service know this and apply it. As amo-office-service has been working for some time in this area we have been able to collect a wealth of experience. This ranges from shop descriptions through web page content to blog texts. For considerable time keyword identification has been part of the services our company offers.
Search engines are constantly becoming more demanding
Who has not seen web pages with only a few keywords and links? If the reader has accessed these pages then he knew why he landed there. What does the search engine query have to do with this? This was also recognised by one of the providers of the most well-known and most used search engines. As a result the whole system was revamped to offer more to the client, i.e. the user of the search engine. This system naturally incurs higher costs for the web site owner. Anyone thinking of optimising a page for a search engine should also realise who he is trying to access. Naturally, accessing search engines is important on account of the rating. But the reader staying on the page is much more important. Good programming with fast access times is the first impression the reader receives. If this is correct he continues to read but only if the texts are written properly.
Success comes for detailed knowledge
As we already said, the secret to success of an Internet side is the search engines. These secrets are not usually published and are well protected by the search engine owners. They also change their ranking criteria constantly to ensure that there is always movement on the Internet. It is precisely this which provides every site owner with the opportunity to be on the first page of the search engine results. It is important that the analysis tools are known. But these tools which can identify the keywords for SEO texts are offered by many. An analysis of these pages revealed astonishing results. Keywords are not always rated equally. This means that a request for keywords related to cars produced different results. The SEO texter must be aware of this in order to succeed. The distribution of the keywords must also be selected carefully in addition to a multitude of other factors. Finding the right words is not so important for the search engine than it is for the reader. That is why a healthy compromise must be reached in the texts.